Kanato confirms her suspicions and gleefully sets to adding her to their collection, until he is interrupted by a summons. As she views his family's collection of wax figures all in bridal wear, she finds herself eerily aware that things are not as benign as they appear. Yui refuses to accept that she should suddenly stop showing compassion towards her fellow man merely because they are vampires, and allows herself to be led to one of Kanato's most favorite places in his little world. Much to her folly, she enters the room to see if he needs help. Reeling from this experience, Yui wanders through the estate, and becomes worried when she hears groans coming from Reiji's room. Assuming he would like some time alone, Yui attempts to leave which only infuriates Kanato with misplaced anger. He beckons her to follow him so he may show off a graveyard containing the grave of his mother. Kanato finds Yui in the rose garden as she tries to sort out the new information about who betrayed her and gave her up as a sacrifice. Laito proceeds to punish her using decidedly less childish methods, and mocks her for believing in something that can't physically save her from the evil that is him. Yui accidentally displeases teddy bear-holding Kanato by incorrectly guessing what he wants from her, and he punishes her for her lack of comprehension skills by displacing her school bag, which in turn causes her to displease Laito by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then she learns to her sorrow that she doesn't have a single ally in the entire household. She enters the enormous bathroom to draw a bath for herself only to find Shu listlessly soaking in it, fully clothed. She is temporarily released from her duties as his personal plaything and sippy cup so she may get bathed. Life with the six brothers becomes even stranger as Yui loses her appetite and becomes 'marked' as Ayato's possession. She has a really hard time as Ayato forces her to do everything he wants, even drink her blood. It is the first day of a new high school for Yui, with Ayato and Kanato in same class as her. Unable to escape and with traditional anti-vampire weapons being useless, she becomes lost within the labyrinth of hallways. Yui Komori finds herself in a house full of bloodthirsty vampires.